If you are charged with a federal criminal offense and cannot avoid a conviction, it may be possible to have the charges against you reduced or to accept a plea that involves a sentence of federal probation. Before you make any assumptions about your case, it is important to speak with an experienced Dallas federal criminal defense attorney who can evaluate your case and help you to understand potential defense strategies. Yet it is also important to gain as much knowledge as you can about the federal criminal process, and to learn more about what is involved in federal probation. The following information is designed to give you an overview of federal criminal probation and what it can entail.
Learning More About Federal Probation
Federal probation can be sentenced as an alternative to a prison sentence after you have been charged with a federal criminal offense. As such, your sentence may be to federal probation. Probation in general is a type of sanction if you have been found guilty of an offense, or if you have pleaded guilty to an offense. A federal judge can order specific conditions of probation, and the length of time of probation will typically depend upon the severity of a person’s offense, including whether the person is guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony offense. As the U.S. courts explain, a misdemeanor conviction has a maximum of five years of probation, while probation for a felony offense must last for at least one year.
The specific requirements of probation will depend upon the type of charges for which you have been found guilty or pleaded guilty, and the severity of the offense. All individuals on probation will need to report to a probation officer and will need to appear in court at designated times. Probation may also require a person to pass regular drug tests, to pay fines, or to engage in community service. Generally speaking, federal courts can set conditions for probation designed to prevent a person from engaging in future criminal acts and to protect the public.
Probation Violations
Just like probation under state law, a person can violate the terms of federal probation by failing to abide by any of the terms set forth. For example, probation violations can include failing to check in with a probation officer, failing a drug test, failing to complete community service hours, or engaging in another criminal act.
Contact Our Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers Today
Whether you are currently facing federal charges, have concerns that you are under investigation for a federal offense, or you are considering the possibility of a plea bargain, it is critical to seek advice from an experienced Dallas federal criminal defense lawyer. Our firm has extensive experience representing clients in many different types of federal criminal cases, and we can provide you with more information about your chances of beating the charges and, if necessary, options for considering a plea deal.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with our firm to learn more about how we can assist you. Contact the Law Office of Patrick J. McLain, PLLC to learn more about the services we provide to clients in Texas.